Coaching Services
High achievers in most every field use coaches to maximize their skills and improve their effectiveness. Through coaching you can raise the level of your leadership and enhance your personal growth. Coaching helps a person to make changes that are sustainable for long term improvement.

What Coaching IS…
- Possibility thinking
- Discovering new perspectives
- Crafting strategies for success
- Identifying limiting factors that prevent progress
- Developing a plan to overcome obstacles
- Tailored to the clients personal goals
- Focusing on moving forward
- A proven methodology
What Coaching IS NOT…
- Therapy
- Consulting
- Mentoring
- Focusing on the past
- A cookie cutter approach to development
How coaching can benefit you…
My Coaching Approach
It is a client driven process that focuses on creating the clients ideal outcome through identifying solutions that will enable the person to move forward. It assists the person in locating the challenges that prevent them in the process. It also crafts strategies to address these challenges and achieve personal success. I recognize that each client is different and every scenario is unique. Therefore I do not offer a canned approach or a “one size fits all” method. I strive to be sensitive to the individuality of each client. All conversations are held in strictest of confidence.
The Ideal Client
I work with individuals who aspire to grow and are committed to taking ownership for their development. I love to partner with clients that are willing to invest the time and energy into a process that enables them to raise their level of leadership and tap into unrealized potential. If you are ready to roll up your sleeves and work towards a brighter future you are possibly a candidate for my services.
Why JSS…
I have the experience, the training and the skills necessary to provide coaching services that are second to none. (Click here to see his full biography.)
Next Step…
If you’d like to get started download the Coaching Packet. Complete the packet and return it to me at [email protected] to begin the next step in your personal growth and success.